
Author Visits

Emily Morgan is available for various speaking engagements, including:

School/Library Visits

A visit from an author can be a special experience for children, teachers, and parents. Emily’s school/library visits focus on the science behind the books, the research that goes into nonfiction writing, and the process of writing a picture book. Emily also does hands-on science activities with children that will enhance their experience with the books.

Teacher Workshops

In her “Next Time You See” teacher workshops, Emily models science and reading activities that can be done before and after reading the books in her series. All of the activities are aligned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts as well as A Framework for K-12 Science Education. As the co-author of the Picture-Perfect Science series, Emily has spent the past 10 years facilitating engaging, practical, and enjoyable teacher workshops nationwide. 


Emily regularly speaks at science and reading conferences across the country. Her “Next Time You See” conference sessions feature one or two of her books and include activities to do with students before and after reading. Her keynote address titled, “Never Stop Wondering”, encourages teachers and students to keep their minds open to new learnings and to be willing to change their preconceptions when they encounter new evidence. In this talk, she also explores the beauty of never ending questioning in science, particularly, the notion that the more you learn, the more questions you have.

For information about booking Emily for an author visit, click here.